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What You Need To Know About Rhino Piercing

We are the Genz generation. Our life revolves around things that are unique, cool, and attractive. Piercings have always been a hot topic amongst teenagers because they portray a personality. When I was a teenager, I always wanted to get a piercing that was unique and something unheard of. I used to look out for different piercing options, and this is when I came across Rhino Piercings.

In today’s time, Google has become a source of information but it has become very saturated to know about the basics. In this article, we are going to discover Rhino Piercing and how it has become The-Thing for youngsters.

What Is Rhino Piercing?

Rhino Piercing is a type of cartilage piercing. The literal name Rhino came from its resemblance to a Rhino horn. It involves piercing the flashy part on specific areas like the bridge and tip of the nose. This piercing is also referred to as vertical piercing because of the vertical placement of the needle. There are different procedures involved in rhino piercing depending on the customer’s preference.

Rhino Nose Piercing Procedure:

Before going for any piercing procedure, you should know that the piercer is experienced and licensed to perform this procedure. Safety comes first, and there have been incidents where people go for cheap procedures and end up having a bad allergic reaction.

 There are two methods to perform a rhino piercing. One method involves piercing through the end of the nose and coming out on the tip of the nose. This method is much simpler and involves better healing. The other method involves extending the current piercing and making it a stretched rhino piercing. There are complications attached to this procedure and must be done by a licensed professional.

Important Things To Know About Rhino Piercing:

  • Position Of The Piercing:

It is extremely important to be precise with the position piercing position. An inch here and it will ruin the outcome of it. It should look good and precise rather than a random placement. To keep the position precise, thorough consultation should be done. Piercer should mark the location and make sure to check it yourself.

  • Healing Time:

To make your piercing look good and aesthetic, you should give it a proper time for healing. A failed piercing is the one that gets lots of infections and pus formation. The healing period of Rhino piercing is somewhere between 2-3 months. It depends from individual to individual.

  • Jewelry Placement:

Jewelry placement is a significant step.  You can either get a curved or straight barbell. Jewelry selection depends on multiple factors like swelling and having room for mobility. Your jewel length should be well-measured and made according to your facial features. It must be easy to wear it during the healing period and not something that is snug and pointy.

  • Different Styles:

Just like every piercing, Rhino piercing also comes in different forms and styles. The most popular design is the vertical piercing. The other types are double rhino, triple rhino, stretched rhino piercing, high bridge, curved or spiral barbell piercing. Read the hygiene guidelines and risks involved in these piercing styles and only opt for the designs.

  • Hygiene Maintenance and Aftercare: Maintaining good hygiene is equally important in the healing phase. If you are not taking care of the newly pierced tissues it will swell up bad and become painful. To avoid this, try to follow the hygiene measures suggested by your piercer. You can apply a numbing cream to avoid `having unnecessary pain.

What Are the Risk Factors Associated with Rhino Piercings?

  • Localized Infection:

Swelling and redness always comes with piercing. You must be prepared for it. However, infection is not a part of this process. If you are someone who doesn’t know proper aftercare, it is likely that you might end up having a serious infection. This infection can either be a purulent or an abscess formation. Whenever you see something white in your piercing, try to contact a healthcare professional. It is better to treat this infection in an early stage.

  • Bloodborne Diseases:

Piercing is a foreign substance added to your body and making it compatible with your immune system. Some people tend to get allergic reactions from nickel, gold, copper, chromium etc. if you live in an area where HIV and Hep B is a common disease then try to go to a piercing salon where hygiene is top priority. It is very likely to get a Hep B, HIV or Hep C if the same needles are being used for every individual. Your health is in your hands and don’t let someone ruin it just for the sake of some Cool Tags.

  • Allergic Reactions:

Just like I have mentioned, some people tend to get allergic reactions from a certain class of metals. You will never know about it until you get a piercing done for yourself. Whenever you suspect itchiness, red patches, and constant irritation, it’s the sign of allergic reaction. Reach out to your piercing and try to change your metal piece to an option that is less allergic.

  • Excessive Swelling:

Swelling is a normal thing in the healing process of rhino piercing. Swelling sustains for about 3-4 weeks. If you see something that is not healing and is increasing in size, giving you pain and uncomforting feeling, consult your piercer and a doctor. Any suspected infection should be treated immediately.

  • Difficulty In Sneezing:

This is something that teenagers would never care about. They are least bothered about the irritation that comes in the long run. Once your piercing is healed and you have the flu, it will be one hell of a thing. I am not abstaining you from getting rhino piercing, but it is something that you should always think about. People who have tendency to fall seasonal allergies and have a constant irritation in their nose should have a second thought about it.

  • Ugly Scars:

Scaring is a natural healing process. Some piercers are bad at what they do, and they may end up giving you an ugly scar. When multiple needles are inserted in your preferred site, it ends up giving you an ugly and ill-defined scar. It can turn into a keloid or hypertrophic scar. This is why in the above paragraphs I have mentionedthe importance of choosing a licensed professional.

Its individual’s choice to decide whether they want to opt for this piercing or that. These risk factors are associated with rhino piercing, and you should always be aware of that. If you have a second thought about getting this piercing done, choose for another piercing type.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Safe To Get Rhino Piercing?

Yes, it issafe to have a rhino piercing done until and unless you are someone who has a low immunity. People with low immunity cannot withhold this piercing and might end up having an infection. Get your blood profile checked before opting for these procedures that require good healing.

I Have an Allergic Nose. Should I Go For Rhino Piercing?

Having an allergic nose makes it worse. It will be very difficult for you during the healing period to not touch it and stay calm. Choosing this piercing is a personal choice but all I want to say is that don’t opt for it if you have an allergic nose.

Which Metals Are Safe for Rhino Piercing?

Everybody has different immune systems. It is important to know that every individual has different compatibility with metals. Try to do a patch test before going for a final procedure to make it safe and less complex.

Is It Important to Follow Hygiene Measures?

Hygiene should always be a top priority. Keep your hygiene measures proper, avoid touching it and don’t prick the healing skin over it. These are the few basic thing that you should do to avoid risks.

Can I Get a Cute Rhino Piercing?

Yes, you can get a Cute Rhino Piercing as well. Select the jewel that is cute according to your preference and add it as an addition to your rhino piercing.


Rhino piercing is known for its cool placement.  It has become a trendsetter amongst teenagers to get a piercing after reaching a certain age. People don’t have an idea about the pros and cons of it. We have discussed all the factors that are associated with this process. From easiest procedure to the tricky procedure, localized infection to abscess formation, allergic reaction to proper healing all the points have been covered in this article. One thing to always keep in mind before having any piercing done is choosing a licensed piercer. Don’t play with your health. I hope this rhino piercing will coincide with your personality and you will get to know a side of you that is unheard amongst teenagers.

Written by Emily Everhart

I am a fashion blogger and a trendsetter who has a burning desire to groom other people. I have experience in several fashion timeframes thanks to my Fifteen years of blogging experience. The majority of my writings are the most effective approach to keep up with the latest happenings in the world of fashion.

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